Dash-A-Thon Recap

If you are a dasher, you know what Dash-A-Thon is: the largest fundraiser that DSHA holds, where grades collaborate to meet their quota in order to qualify for a range of rewards. The desired day off and movie day are the frequent benefits of accomplishing this goal. Every dasher is encouraged by these gifts to ask their family members to make donations for their grade level. This event is a fun way to let loose and bond as a whole community. This year, the theme was Dashing through the Universe, and while each grade was given a space-themed assignment, they were also given unlimited creative freedom to make the theme unique to themselves. As sophomores, we were told to dress up as a star, moon, or sun. I had originally planned to dress simply in platinum, gold, and silver, but then I decided to tackle my assigned theme in a new, creative way. My best friend and I went to Target the evening before Dash-A-Thon. Trusting that the children’s section would not disappoint us, we headed there first. Our instincts were spot on, for we discovered a sequined shirt with the text “made of stars” and a picture of the earth covered in stars. This was the ideal, unconventional t-shirt for Dash-A-Thon. The attire someone wears is just one tiny yet significant component of this wonderful event.

Girls arrived at school on the Dash-A-Thon day dressed in various universe-inspired clothes. Decked out in crazy outfits, the entire school came together at our pep rally shortly after the bell rang. Everyone participated in various activities, including playing musical chairs and chanting Dasher cheers, guided by the Penny’s while anxiously anticipating the beginning of the seven-mile trek. After the pep rally calmed our jittery nerves, each grade was released to start the course based on which grade contributed the most money: freshmen started first, then sophomores, then seniors, and finally juniors. To our surprise, the anticipated short, three-hour trip suddenly turned into a lengthy journey around Milwaukee. Mobs of teenage girls running from street to street across busy intersections caused the flow of traffic to stop and concerned the teachers. However, this setback did not weigh too heavily on us because of the positive seniors who provided us with candy and occasionally surprised us with paint too!

Unfortunately, I missed the walk the previous year, so I had great hopes for this year. Setting the bar high may not have been the best course of action, as getting separated from all of my friends and developing blisters on my heels turned this joyful morning into a protracted hike. I can draw a lot of benefits and drawbacks from the walk after reflecting on this past year. I advise DSHA to build a more scenic trail in the upcoming years, avoiding sidewalks next to major roads at all costs. Despite a few setbacks, DSHA would not be the same without Dash-A-Thon because grades work together in a positive, enjoyable way to earn money so that we can receive the best, most distinguished education.